What Is Your First Impression For This Zine?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


DERANGED "The Red-light Murder Case" PROMO 2008

You probably already listened this masterpiece from the Almighty DERANGED! ButI decided they really deserve a special place over here at Death's Design Zine,so here is the review about it! I always felt like DERANGED didn't get theright attention and support they honestly deserve, I hope I am wrong. They seemto never get that "tap on the shoulders" every true undergroundservant seeks for, so I hope that will change immediately!

"Red-light Murder Case" is a serious masterpiece and in my opinionDERANGED should be proud of themselves (I hope they are) for leaving such astrong, uneatable mark of their existence to this and the young generations oftrue supporters to come! I am really addicted to this CD, I really am not awareof the number of playing this one in my player! :) I've been true supporter ofDeranged since day 1, and after listening this promo CD, I proudly shout:"I AM DERANGED" :) Honestly, people, Deranged proved once again thatthey are true and willing to show you their ideology and rub it in yourface!!!! The lyrics are in the well known DERANGED style, and everything isperfectly packed here, I really don't have the words to explain it!

RAW, MEATY, BRUTALLITY AND GORE!!!! This one is also a strong proof forDeranged and their success and mature ness through all these years, the guitarriffs never been so killer obsessed, the drums are more brutal then ever, thevokils are giving you that special intro in "solving the blood mystery"

The track titles are unforgettable and you easily get addicted to this sound!One of my special favorites are :" Strip nude for your killer"(kickass guitar work here!); "Gently before she dies"; "TheKiller wore Black Gloves"; "Watch me when I kill"; aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhJUST LISTEN THE WHOLE CD!!!!!!! Extreme support for these blood brotherz ofmine, and after all, my message to them and to everyone who reads this is thatI discovered the "FORMULA FOR A MURDER"! Want me to show it to you?

DILAPIDATED "Repulsive emissions" PROMO 2008

This material was recorded in July and it was also uploaded for a freedownload. What we have here is a 3 song disk, pure intense, Swedish deathmetal, created by 2 vicious men! When you play "Repulsive emissions"you can expect brutal, morbid and sadistic story, told by great, talentedmusicians. The disc in general is made originally, by the true beliefs andideology of Dilapidated, but lead by the influence of Cannibal Corpse (olderstuff) Aeon and as well as Entombed, which is awesome and nice for change. (Oldschool way mixed with today's brutalism) There are some pretty complexed riffs,as well as slow slamming parts, which is always a winning combo!

The 1st song "Carnivorous Cunnilingus" should tell you everything,although I wanna find a girl that will love this lyric! :) If there is any girlout there please contact me hahahahahahahahaha. Its starts with a small intro(not from a porn movie) and it drives you to some sexual harassment :) Thevokils are really deep and strong. Really fits great in the whole story. Thedrums are constant and I like the guitar work (in each every song, not only inthis one). The 2nd song called "Removal of facial features" alsostarts with an intro, (not from a porn movie) :) and seems to me that's this isone of the strongest sides of the guyz, they really match the idea. Prettytight sound at this song, it's like you can feel the hatred and brutalismcoming out from it! :)

"Profanity will guide my trembling hands

Bruised and abused, you scream in fear

Balance between insanity and dementia

Unable to resist the urges to disfigure

I am the great harvest; I am the great penance…."


Imust say I can’t wait to start analyzing this album! :) I mean from speakingabout the band, their logo, their cover, through their sound! First of all,this deranged five (5) comes from Greifswald,Berlin Germany.....They are called Disembowel, start working a few years ago. Had some line upchanges but their brutalism overwhelmed them and they are now unstoppableforce! “Symptoms of Decline” is their debut, this month’s release, which enchantsyou with first of all -its look, and later with its sound! Whoever did theirlogo, had to be on some kind of a heavy medicine, in a positive way! Lookstotally vicious and inhuman! S.O.D.offers incredibly insane artwork!!! I am pretty sure that absolutely no one cantake his eyes of it, and I guess someone will use this cover as a idea for histattoo! :)....

For this debut they took a new drummer -session member, who also companions them onthe live shows. And he is an extraordinary choice, believe me! Total maniac,who just rapes the drums unmercifully, giving an extremely violent, fast,brutal and complexed definition of Symptoms of Decline.....

Everythingis locked in perfectly in the death metal cell! The tension, fastness,brutality, intensity, power sound, hard bass line, slam parts, non-constanttempo, vicious vokills, and a killer drummer! “Symptoms of Decline” sets somewicked atmosphere, a moment that lasts for approximately 44 minutes, where youdon’t have the slightest idea what you will do with yourself next, and whichtempo or instrument should you follow! My personal favs are: “Are You Mental?”;“Organic Machine” (kickass drums here!); “Dysfunction”; “Masticator” etc. Puresickness coming your way!!! There’s something about this album, that you don’thave idea what is it, but you can feel it under your skin! And there isabsolutely nothing you can do ‘bout it, Just push the “play” button again, laydown or bang your ass off, get addicted and admire!....

INGURGITATE “Bleeding His Sacred Kingship” their full length from 2005, Reissuedin 2008 by Ossuary Industries w/ 2 extra tracks

Ingurgitateis a Brutal Death Metal Band from Houston, Texas in U.S.A. Considering thelatest information I got, the current line-up consists 3 members, although Ithink there are 4 :) at least their my space says that!....

Another great logo and kickass cover artwork.I must say that although by giving the definition of “brutal death metal”everything clears up to you and you think you have a pretty good idea of whatactually Ingurgitate plays, you are so wrong! My ear tells this is a new stylethey’ve created! It’s still brutal, but it’s combined with so many old-schoolparts and so many mid-slow-down tempos, that you won’t just believe it howgreat do it sounds! ....

Ireally enjoy this album, especially those slamming parts…I mean yeah they areslow, but never forget that the slow death is the most painful! :) I can onlyadd that the music is really something special, it gives me some kind ofhallucinations and I didn’t use drugs for it! Although you would probably liedown and pay attention to the music when you’ll play this album, that doesn’tmean that Ingurgitate doesn’t know what fastness, speed and brutality means!“Bleeding His Sacred Kingship” inflicts that Ingurgitate is influenced from themid 90’s death metal bands, but still into the modern death metal wave! I mustsay pretty brave and interesting combination! In my opinion -winning one!....

Thevokills on some parts are actually talking not “singing” but this does thetrick, especially if you are interested in their lyrics! Which are by the way,about anti-christianity! And the statement I want you to memorize it, is theguitar work!....

Iseriously recommend these riffs for the ones who would like to improve theirguitar skills…I think you will be blown away, just like me. A dosage of someprimitivism in the rhythm combined With an Incredibly powerful sound. Lots ofsolos are included; especially a calming, slow instrumental part in the lastsong “A Burial for the Exalted”, but this doesn’t ends like this. Lots Ofemotions mixed up here, but I really like that!....

Theonly thing I feel that is needed forthis album to be perfect is definitely more tracks and time, cause it lasts forapproximately 25 minutes, and that is just not enough for me! :) Although, I ambegging you - do not allow the total time of this unholy creation to be areason to push you off and make you inferior about this cd! ....

Grabyour copy of this reissue, and if you don’t like, send me an e-mail! :)

GOREINHALED -“The Art Of Sickness” - Released: 2008
Label: Nice To Eat You; Recorded:November, 2007, SHARK Studio, ....Bzenec.., ..Czech Republic...

When I think of something extremely underground, sick, pervert, brutal and deranged, I think of Gore inhaled!!! It’s an honour for me to see and listen such chaotic beauty these guys serve! This twisted disease was born at the end of 2002 in ....Majorca.., ..Spain..... They offer you an exquisite master piece of death metal- grindcore combo, with a total time of 27 minutes! The cover artwork is pretty colourful, and by that I mean that there is absolutely every single colour in it, that every our organ has it! Lots of corpses on the cover, but in a anatomy way. Colourful sketches of what kind of organs we have, their colour, form, and shape.....

I would really like to meet in person these sicko’s, I am totally amazed from their entire ideas! “The Art Of Sickness” is an awesome definition and vision of GoreInhaled. I cannot believe what I am listening, it’s one of my favourites for this year in general! And when is this album in question, it’s never too loud!!!! There is really so much to say about this album, but on the other hand, I don’t want to lose more time, I want to play them and bang my ass off! :)....

I don’t think these guys are normal; I am not quite convinced they are humans! :) They totally fucked up my head, unmercifully played with every single healthy nerve I have left! It’s easier to obey and devote to some seriously-damaging head bang, then to try to pay attention or follow the rhythm. It’s like your mind has been ripped off your head, and placed into some other, freaky place! :) If these sick brothers of mine commit a murder (if they haven’t done one yet) :) you will totally forgive them after you listen one of their songs:”Pleasure of murdering”!!! If you find some slower, slam parts, you will be also executed by them!....

There is absolutely nothing I would take away or add to this mighty trio! Where did you come from?! I cannot stop listening them! I played the cd, unaware that some serious, chaotic, extreme complexity is overwhelming me! The bass line is shredding you, leaving small chunks behind… And the vokills? That just a too morbid picture for you to handle!


“Knee Deep In Disease” EP

Recorded By Ryan Nolan @ TheBreaking Studios

....United States....

Courtesy of our own Tim Murphy

Knee Deep in Disease EP$5 US / $7 World

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I bet you already know ParasiticExtirpation! In case you do not know them, do not read this review first, GOAHEAD AND ADD THEM NOW! Read this later :)

“Knee Deep In Disease” is one ofmy favourites from this year! I just wish this EP had more then 4 songs :)

Parasitic Extirpation is a bandthat never lost my support, I have been addicted to them since day 1, and I amglad to see they are unstoppable force! K.D.I.D. is a killer release, andinsane creation born from death metal mother & grindcore father! Everyonethat calls himself a death metal maniac must have this cd! Seriously, everytime I listen it, I am amazed of how many styles, sick ideas, intensity,brutality, and quality are incorporated here!!! The thing I like the most inthis EP is the fact that I listen it in one breath!!! I found myself so focusedand nothing could take me away from this EP and my music player :) Honestly,these guyz have to take some medicine (in a positive way!) I cannot believesomeone has so many ideas in their own head, these guyz have inspiration formusic & creating even when they sleep! =)

“Knee Deep In Disease” consists 4deranged (un)creations, and the last one- “Etude In B Minor” is instrumental(originally composed by Fernando Sor). My favourite song here (although believeme when I say I love them all!) is “Stab wound Symmetry”. Just read thattitle…It gives you the right picture of what “Knee Deep In Disease” Stands For!Really mature attitude, true underground spirit, fastness that crushes EVERYpart of your body, not just your neck, slow tempo that creeps you out with itsmorbid sound, sick solos, demolishing drums, intense bass line, goregasticvokills…THERE IS ABSOLUTELLY No fucking chance you don’t like this band!!! Grab this cd and book yourself a bed in themental institution! ;) If you do not like it, don’t write at me at all! :) Cantwait to see what is their next presentation of Parasitic sikknezz!!! Cheerz MySick Brotherz!!!

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CEPHALIC IMPURITY - “PervertedSurgical Concept”

Full-length 2008

Izhevsk, Udmurtia

Label: Soulflesh Collector

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Cephalic Impurity 4 sickoshailing us from ....Russia....!!!What is happening with ....Russia....lately? The scene gets better and better and the bands are just insane! I thinkI will move over there!


Anyway, we are not here aboutme…I am representing you the masterpiece Cephalic Impurity served us -“PERVERTED SURGICAL CONCEPT”!!!

I love everything about thisrelease! First of all, Cephalic Impurity’s logo blows you away and wait tillyou see the artwork cover for thi full-length!!! Oooh man…INCREDIBLE INSANEARTWORK, I F******* love it!!!! The Hell with these stupid stars(censorship)this release deserves the whole treatment cause it is FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!!!

This cd has 9 songs, and they area pure brutal death metal in your face!!!!

People, stop reading this and goIMMEDIATELLY to check them out!!! This is not normal release, probably willhave some serious mental damage over your health!!!!

That’s why I highly recommendthis release!!!


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DEMO ....


Lawton, Oklahoma, U.S.A.....

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<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v371/ryanthecleaver/atacamacover.jpg">

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ATACAMA Is a Sikk Oklahoma Trio, thatrepresent us a 4 killer tracks on this demo. I won’t be boring ya out with mylong reviews as usual :) so I will just go straight to the point! (Finally!) :D

This demo has 4 songs, and everytime I listen them, I think of only one think - to push the “repeat” button onthe player, before I listen them :) I wish this grind (un)creation to last morethen 5 minutes, cause its fucking awesome! We have a real mosh & stagediving grindcore material here, accompanied by some death metal and thrash! Moreover,it is INSANE Combination! Seriously, If this is the way their demo sounds, thenwhat can we expect from their upcoming album? In both cases, I cannot wait tostop typing and check the demo again, and I cannot wait till spring 2009 (theiralbum should be out then)

All in all, it’s a kickassmaterial, and I keeps me going wild, and headbang my ass off…too bad I don’thave anyone in my room to hold me if I try to stage dive hahahaha :)

Get this demo sickos, I guaranteeya you will crush few bones!

ATACAMA gives you this link todownload the demo, so YOU don’t have any excuses now!!!

I wanna see you sending REQUESTSto them right away!

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Download their demo: http://www.sendspace.com/file/3csgri

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COLD MEAT - “Refuse To Die”


Djakovo/Zagreb/Varazdin- ....Croatia....

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refuse to die 2008

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Cold Meat are hailing us from ....Croatia....,and they send us a really sick greet! :) This is a pretty extreme duo, thatamazes me with the way the function and with their wicked minds! “Refuse ToDie” has that power & energy to crawl into your skin without even noticingthat…By the time I started reviewing this cd, I “caught” myself liking sumthings I usually don’t like! I am sure lots of our friends of Vicious Zine willlove them, cause we don’t have any normal friends hahahaha. There are catchymoments here, and they are easily memorable…there is absolutely no chance offorgetting their sound. Even after 3 weeks you push this disc into your player,you will remember that it’s COLD MEAT. I must say I like the cover too, and youcan see it above. Its kinda morbid but it makes you think…something like anintelligent grindcore :) “Refuse To Die” has 11 songs, created in the realtwisted spirit of Anal Nosorog, Fuck…I am Dead! Extreme Noise Terror, AnalCunt…We are dealing with some perverse, experimental, Grind core, actuallycyber grind…with some nausea touch! This means is sick as fuck and not everyonecould listen this! Thought I recommend you to check them out!

Ooh yeah and there is one coverfrom Dido here (???)


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OHHMYGORE - “Monkey BongoRotting”

EP 2008



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OHHMYGORE (killer name!) isactually a one-man band. This guy has devoted his whole life to the sikknezz! (Soundsweird now when I read it!)


Anyway this EP has 5 songs, itlasts 5 minutes, and its anothercybergrind issue, though there are more female orgasmic vocals included. And Ithink they are real! Listen that, ladies? J

Anyway, I have to say that onlythe mental cases from Vicious Zine (If you are our friend, you are one ofthem!) could listen this EP. Seriously, I am not joking. There is lot of sickstuff here, and this guy has no problem for entering into sum perverse themeand easily transfer to sum other ‘computerized” sound. Even I cannot listensome parts from this EP, If I have to rate it, I would have to say “This One IsFor The Braver” :D I like the vokills though :) And there are some good moments, intense. Andsorry guyz I can’t give you his myspace link, It constantly says its deleted.:/


RAPTURE - "Sinister Creation"

full lenght


American Line Production

<st1:place w:st=

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Now this is a brutal death metal in Mexican way!!!

Everything that you expect to hear when you get the infothat some Mexican sickos get together and play metal, is on this release!!!

Every expectation I had, its becoming reality!!!

Pure brutal death metal in your face!!!

9 Songs, guided by intense, fastness, brutality, vokillsthat sound like they are coming from the darkest depth of Hell and complexedtechnical sikknezz!!!

I enjoy every riff, every slow part here (which is equallybone crushing like the fast ones!)

Its like they managed to “pull out” the best of every deathmetal legend (Morbid Angel, Immolation, Krisiun, etc…) and incorporated it inone (un)creation!!!

Damn, I am really going to need bigger space then this oneto explain this sickness!

I am personally not a big fan of solos in brutal death metal(only few bands managed to make me love them) :) and RAPTURE totally made me addictedto them now!!! “Sinister Creation” is a solid death metal release, and itdefinitely stands out from the other death metal sinners!!!

I strongly recommend Rapture and the story they bring, realdeath metal attitude, and pay attention to how they serve their ideology!!!Every song is delivered in full of hatred way, and you can easily notice theysay: “You asked for some death metal, you maniacs? Let’s see if you can handlethis!”

Take it or leave it sickos. I am sure I have taken thismedicine in a double doze! :)

Ooh yeah, and I love their cover artwork! SICK!

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lividity-"til only the sick remain" cd{epitomite prod.}
the sicko's at epitomite decided it was time to unleash the lividity"classick" disk "til only the sick remain"{originallyreleased through germany's morbid rec.} if you were one of the lucky ones tofind this in it's original pressing.then you know the sick brutality thatawaits you. if you missed out then i urge you not to miss out again and buythis today!! lividity are one of the "originators" of brutal porno/goregrind in the u.s and only prove you can keep it sick even after being in thescene for more than 10 years!! sick,perverse death/prono gore-grind not for theeasily offended but for everyone else who enjoys the brutal sounds of deathmetal. get this today!!

lividity-"live fornication" cd (epitomite prod)

lividity are a band you should all be aware of by now if youcall yourself a brutal death metal fan.this is a disk of 2 live lividityshows.the first
one is the bands set from central illinois d.m metal fest 2007. 8 tracks ofpure brutality that only could come from the legendary sicko's themselves.the2nd show is from their 2007 show in germany. the sound is a littlerougher/rawer sounding than the c.i.m show. but still a decent quality for alive recording {i personally hate "live" cd's that sound like theywere done in a studio}if you have all the lividity studio albums then i say buythis to hear them spew their sick and vile lyrics and music.but if yourunfamilar with the band i would recomend then studio albums first.

mass obliteration-"abrahamithic curse" demo cdr{self-released}
with a band name like this you might expect unstoppable blasting grind. wellyou will be wrong.this italian brutal legion plays the more controlled heavy tomid-paced death metal in the vein of {early} grave and incantation.the banddoes speed things up to show it's more brutal and aggressive side on a fewtracks.but can also go in the other direction and play slow almost doomish darkdeath metal {think cianide-a descent into hell era} this band has really puttogether an impressive debut demo i for one will be looking forward to hearwhat they do on future releases.

nekropsy/infidel-split cd {40 hour death}
beginning of f this split is illinois's own nekropsy.i am not sure what it isabout the state of illinois but it has produced some of the best and mostbrutal death bands out there.and nekropsy carry the torch high with pride andhonor.with 4 songs of mid-range brutal death metal.brutal well played guitarriffs and some really interesting brutal deep vocals {not guttural but stilldeeper than the average death metal growler} to a more gruff old-school vocalapproach. the band really has i impressed me with their mix of old and newerschool death metal.nekropsy will please all fans of straight-forward deathmetal.up next is the turkish band infidel. with 4 songs of death metal.gruffvocal approach and some really impressive guitar work.infidel showcase more ofa heavier wall of musical sound. not a great band but still worth listening to.

nocturnal fear--"code of violence" cd {moribund rec.}

metal warriors gatheraround and prepare to be thrash and mosh!! nocturnal fear bring you 10 tracksof aggressive death/thrash that will pummel your senses and make your earsbleed.the band lets loose on the 1st track "code of violence and never letup the attack until the final chord of the last song.their is a german thrashinfluence {destruction,kreator} and also a early 90's u.s death/thrashmovement.mixed with some death metal guitar sounds to give the guitars athicker sound.vocals range from the gruff style of the early days of this scenewith some shrieks. both thrashing and brutal death maniacs need this piece ofinsane thrashing death!!

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The first Issue (1) Of Our Web Zine Will Be Posted In The Early January 2009! We Already Started Working On Some Reviews & Interviews, And Discovering Some Brutalism, So We Can Satisfy Our Reader's Extreme Taste For Death Metal And Grindcore. (and, of course, the other sub-genres that are connected with these two).
Me (KatEternal) And Patrick (The Founder Of This E- Zine) are pretty much excited that we have the chance to spread the disease, hope we will get your honest respect, true feedback and extreme support! So, I & VICIOUS_ACTS_OF_HUMANITY E - ZINE Hail All Of You Extreme, Perverse, Saddistic, Deranged, Brutal & Alcoholic Sicko's Outhere!

CYCLOTRON - Unclassified Death Metal....