What Is Your First Impression For This Zine?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

CYCLOTRON Music Player - Munich Unclassifiable Death Metal

Yep. When You Open This Site, You Will Be "Welcomed" By CYCLOTRON...
Explanation not needed, listen the songs, and check them out at:

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

The First Issue Out In January!!!!

Yes, You've Read It Right!
The first Issue of Vicious Acts Of Humanity Zine will be out and posted in the Early January 2009!!!
Expect lots of new fresh ideas, killer reviews, nasty, grind interviews and 101% brutallity!
and yeah...our myspace page is up too sostart worshiping us!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

INTRO Into The VICIOUS Pit....

& Blasting Hails To All Of You Extreme Mothafuckerz Outhere!

First of all, BIG THANX for stopping by to our site and express your support,
you already know how much is needed and appreciated! Anyway, I will use this
post just to get you closer to


This idea was borne from Patrick's twisted mind, and later on- he"called" KatEternal to join him. Patrick has tons of experience in writing and presenting his zines (most of them are presented onmyspace site) & KatEternal always had some special writing skills, but recently she worked with Patrick on every page/site/zine he had. This turned to be one of the greatest team works ever, for both of them so that’s how V.A.O.H. Zine was delivered to you! In this zine, we will deal with the extreme, pure underground bands, chaotically brutal, technical and experiMENTALLY be representing some kickass brutalism, reviews, interviews, audio players, pictures and tons of other stuff from the bands, so set your seat-belt and prepare your self for the most vicious and most brutal ride in the DEATH TUNEL!


Bloody Hailz,

KatEternal & Patrick.


The first Issue (1) Of Our Web Zine Will Be Posted In The Early January 2009! We Already Started Working On Some Reviews & Interviews, And Discovering Some Brutalism, So We Can Satisfy Our Reader's Extreme Taste For Death Metal And Grindcore. (and, of course, the other sub-genres that are connected with these two).
Me (KatEternal) And Patrick (The Founder Of This E- Zine) are pretty much excited that we have the chance to spread the disease, hope we will get your honest respect, true feedback and extreme support! So, I & VICIOUS_ACTS_OF_HUMANITY E - ZINE Hail All Of You Extreme, Perverse, Saddistic, Deranged, Brutal & Alcoholic Sicko's Outhere!

CYCLOTRON - Unclassified Death Metal....